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The 2024 application period will launch in late January 2024.

The SNHS awards college scholarships to its members in recognition of their passion for science, participation in their local chapter’s activities, academic excellence, and leadership. One of the awarded scholarships, known as the Arepalli-Karumuri Family Grant, is set aside for an SNHS student who has excelled in the Science Fair. The SNHS is grateful to the Arepalli-Karumuri Family for their generous support.

Congratulations to the 2023 Student Scholarship Awardees! Thank you to all of the students who submitted an application.

Name High School Chapter Advisor
Douaa Abdeljebbar PA Virtual Charter School Jennifer Burke
Valentina Allegra Riviera Preparatory School Mary Romero
Naod Asres Oakland Mills High School Maureen Monk
Nirel Ayertey Yonkers High School Lesia Kaszczak
Salvador Barraza-Del Barco Fayetteville High School Cameron Simpkins
Deangelo Brasen Arizona College Preparatory High School Megan Larsen
Amanda Bryant Lake Orion High School Mr. Tighe
Simi Chakravarty Maggie L. Walker Governor's School Paige Hawkins
Vivian Chang BASIS Phoenix Ms. Sandor
Brady Chesebro' Grand Oaks High School Ms. Danielle Porterfield
Erin Frances Chua Veterans Memorial High School Sabina Maza Gomez
Shrey Dhamal Alliance Academy for Innovation Tracie Self
Aum Dhruv Fort Myers High School Samantha Attard
Dev Doshi John P. Stevens High School Brooke Distefano & Gary DiFilippo
Jennifer Espinoza Maldonado Palos Verdes Peninsula High School Charles Lee
Agustin Esteva Alamo Heights High School Ronald Malasky
William Euston Summer Creek High School Tkeyah Hamilton
Henry Jiang North Bay Haven Charter Academy Velvet Gilchrist
Nayana Karanam Winter Park High School Carl Fields
Alison Kirby North Bend High School Christina Geierman
Benita Kizhakkepuram John P. Stevens High School Mr. Gary DiFilippo
Oliver Koenig David H. Hickman Jessica Platto
Pranav Kulkarni Middleton High School Bhagyashree Kulkarni
Deeksha Kumaresh American Heritage Palm Beach Corrine Fishman
Justin Liu Palos Verdes Peninsula High School Chas Lee
Sophia Liu Amity Regional High School Danielle Carbone
Jennifer Lombardo Gov. Thomas Johnson High School Jessica Roderick
Shelby Long West Salem High School Morgan Kerr-Staudinger
Amalie Ludwig Glenelg High School Patricia Feinstein
Noelle Noble Clarksville High School Jessica Wray
Abigail Oduro North Haven High School Juliet Nichols
Nathan Panek Community School of Naples Betsy Lewton
April Ramsey Immaculate Heart Academy Mrs Roberts and Mrs Tereshko
Erica Ro Palos Verdes Peninsula High School Chas Lee
Isaac Rodney Plainfield East High School Peyton Loesch/Rebecca Scott
Colin Scheib Bath High School Christian Zurchauer
Hyun Seo Cheongna Dalton School Christopher Martin
Drina Shah Mooresville Senior High School Charlene Barber
Shrikar Sirobhushanam Lightridge High School Neysa Chaves
Zoe Smith Humphreys High School Sheryl Loken
Isaac Smith Central Magnet School Mr. Eric Bonanno
Zaccari Starkman Oswego East High School Mrs. Mihm
Terumi Stover Green Hill High School Laura Allen
Darrence Tran Evergreen Valley High School Adam Cheadle
Skylar Traub American Heritage School Corrine Fishman
Vivek Turakhia Syosset High School Hayley Lovett
Sean Van Riper Putnam Valley High School Jason Horr
Helen Zheng Gulf Breeze High School Misty Meredith
Jessica Zheng MMI Preparatory School Michael Mele
Mohammad Zoraiz Mayfield High School Matt Lucas

The best way to contact us is by sending an email to:

Mailing Address:
Science National Honor Society
15901 Amis Court
Austin, Texas 78734

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